Citizen Commendation Form LAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE INITIALADDRESSCITYSTATEZIPPHONEDATE OF BIRTH MM slash DD slash YYYY EMPLOYEREMPLOYER PHONEEMPLOYEE NAME(Required)Who would you like to Commend?EMPLOYEE RANKEMPLOYEE RADIO NUMBERREPORT DATE MM slash DD slash YYYY Today’s DateREPORT TIMECurrent TimeCOMMENDATION DATE MM slash DD slash YYYY On what date did the Employee do something Commendable?TIME OF COMMENDATIONAt what time did the Employee do something Commendable?COMMENDATION STATEMENT(Required)Please describe, in detail, what the Employee did that was Commendable?COMMENDATION STATEMENT CONTINUEDPlease continue your statement here if you hit the character max in the required commendation statement box. PRINTED NAME(Required)Please type your name, or “Anonymous”, before pressing Submit below.CAPTCHA