The ICAC Task Force Program was created by the Department of Justice to help state and local law enforcement agencies enhance their investigative response to offenders who use the Internet, online communication systems, or other technology to sexually exploit children. The program also provides community education in the area of Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship. The Georgia ICAC Task Force is comprised of members from the GBI and over 220 affiliated law enforcement agencies and prosecutorial entities in the State of Georgia.

     The Barrow County Sheriff’s Office has an active role in the Georgia ICAC Task Force. Investigators are responsible for proactive undercover investigations, investigating assigned NCMEC Cyber Tips, search warrants, teaching and community outreach, and compliance with national ICAC Task Force guidelines. Digital Forensic Investigators process all types of digital media, including computers, cell phones, tablets, etc. for electronic evidence to be used in support of criminal investigations. The unit also provides digital forensic support to other law enforcement agencies in the area.

     The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) is the nation’s clearinghouse on issues related to missing and sexually exploited children. NCMEC’s CyberTipline is a national reporting mechanism for cases of child sexual exploitation including child pornography, online enticement of children for sex acts, molestation of children outside the family, sex tourism of children, child victims of prostitution, and unsolicited obscene material sent to a child. The CyberTipline reports to as many agencies as needed since these crimes often cross jurisdictional boundaries. Reports may be made 24-hours per day, 7 days per week online at or by calling 1-800-843-5678.

Lieutenant Wilkerson – ICAC Task Force Supervisor
Investigator McCorkle – ICAC Investigator