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2 days ago

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Praying for everyone who has been touched and impacted by this senseless tragedy-victim’s families, students, staff, community members…for BCSO officers and all first responders who rushed to a call nobody ever wants to hear on the radio, we’re praying for you all too. It’s not lost on us that without the officer at the school and you all this could have been much more devastating, gratitude and prayers aren’t enough, but you have both from all of us 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Barrow County Sheriff's Office .. I would like to say Thank you to you and the many men and women who responded to Apalachee Highschool this week. Without the quickness of the many counties as well, this would be so much worse. Thank you for bringing my bonus daughter and the many others home Prayers for the Families of the 4 😢

I’m so proud that Sheriff Jud is proactive and the schools staff, BCFD & deputies had all the proper training they needed. I’m so proud of Barrow County Sheriff's Office and the work they’ve done so far in this horrible incident. Investigate well and get these 2 with the full extent of justice!!

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Our heartfelt thanks go to Casa del Alfarero A/D Church for their kindness in providing a delicious meal yesterday, prepared by El Cazuelon Mexican Restaurant. Our employees raved about the delicious food. See MoreSee Less

Our heartfelt thanks go to Casa del Alfarero A/D Church for their kindness in providing a delicious meal yesterday, prepared by El Cazuelon Mexican Restaurant. Our employees raved about the delicious food.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

12 CommentsComment on Facebook

They have great food! Thank you so much for your dedication!

Yall deserve it. I'm so proud to live in Barrow County.

It's truly amazing! Fat encyclopedias of the US Constitution and "law" written in the 1980s. A declaration of Independence drafted in the 1770's. It took 200 years for European Americans to put an end to other European Americans shrugging their shoulders and going along with slavery, because whose place was it to tell the AFRICANS who were selling them Africans, that it is wrong to sell them Africans. But because of that gathering of european Americans that were fighting against slavery as early as the 1600's, at least after 200 years we finally managed to at least put an end to that terrible injustice. SORT OF. But, you know, all of this work and responsibility and sacrifice put into human law and civilization, by great hearts and minds of the past. Just so that today's police and courts can just make easy and lazy work of their jobs as law enforcers and political leadership, shrug their shoulders at the destruction of human civilization, act stupid and helpless, be entirely irresponsible, unreasonable, and maliciously manipulative, and allow the pimps and the whores that they protect to run things. And call it "freedom of speech". Well, that really appreciates the lives of the people who fought off the British with pitchforks so that they can just speak some truth and reasoning without being tarred and feathered by the British. And I can't even, out of love, care, and respect, and wanting the best for everyone, say all of this directly to my state representative. I am not allowed to say anything at all to my state representation, because they have already set the stage to blasphemously and maliciously charge me with "harassment" if I do. Freedom of speech was NOT established so that pimps and whores can go on MTV and advertise pimping and whoring and lead human civilization down a destructive path for the personal profit of pimps and whores. Freedom of speech was established so that THE TRUTH can be spoken by an unlikely mouth without that unlikely mouth being faced with the ceremonial threat of being executed or imprisoned.

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