Unless specifically exempted by the security plan or by Court Order, the following items are strictly prohibited from entering the Barrow County Courthouse:
- Firearms (including handguns, rifles, shotguns, air rifles, crossbows, etc.)

- Explosives
- Flammable materials
- Hazardous materials
- Handcuff keys
- Narcotics or illegal drugs
- Knives, razors, or any type of cutting tools
- Clubs, ASP batons, slap jacks, brass knuckles, or any type of impact weapons
- Chemical defense agents and sprays such as OC pepper spray or mace
- Tools
- Scissors
- Knitting needles
- Any other items which may be used as a weapon (spray perfume, aerosol sprays, large chains, belts, and bracelets)
- Any other items determined to be contraband or prohibited by the Sheriff
Prior to entering the Barrow County Courthouse, we suggest that you secure any of the items listed above in your car in the parking lot. Our personnel will not hold items for you while you conduct your business in the Courthouse.